Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reading List

Since it's been some years since I have actually gardened, I thought I should read up and find some good books to help me plan.

The All New Square Foot Gardening book convinced me to do some square foot beds.  The theory makes a lot of sense.  You can find quite a bit of information about the technique on the web.

The Zero-Mile Diet is also a really great book.  It's one I'm tempted to buy for my own library.

I was only able to quickly go through The Backyard Homestead before I had to return it.  It goes beyond gardening and is more geared towards, well, those who are doing backyard homesteading. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Yesterday I got some seeds started - two types of tomatoes, broccoli, sunflowers, and marigolds.

I will start the basil indoors next month and direct seed the cilantro and spinach.  

I need to do some reading and make a plan on how to use the space in my plot.  Until then, my seeds will (hopefully) grow by the sunniest window in the kitchen.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Organic Garden Plot

Last week I committed to renting an 175 sq. ft. organic garden plot in a gardening co-op.  I wanted to start with something small and narrowed it down to two out of four choices I was given.  I chose the one that was slightly bigger and on the end.  I liked the end spot as I could grow something that is a bit higher (vertical cucumbers? corn? sunflowers?) and not worry about shading my neighbour's garden.

It's already nearing the end of March so I'll have to plan fast!  I bought some West Coast Seeds seeds today so I could get some seedlings started indoors.

Here is a picture of my plot:
Many of the plots have low fences around them (as you can see in the picture).  Mine isn't fenced, and, for now, I will leave it that way.