Thursday, May 31, 2012

Growing Garden

Things (including horsetails) continue to grow in the garden.  Here you can see the Redbor Kale as well as some spinach, nasturtiums, and lettuce.

 My original idea was to plant the seeds in the 3 beds at different times so I'd have a continuous supply of veggies.  I'm realizing now that, while I will have a continuous supply, I may not have enough of certain veggies to make anything (like a spinach salad).  Next year, I either need to have more squares dedicated to spinach and radishes or more beds or some other great solution.  This year, I'm happy to have anything edible in any quantity!

Last week I did some more planting including more of what I've already planted (radishes, spinach, etc.), marigolds, and some sunburst squash.  I'm hoping to plant some edamame and tomatoes this weekend if the rain lets up.

We now have lambs at the co-op.  I think they are just for fun/pets (a.k.a. not for dinner).

I had a little garden helper this week.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First 'Harvest'

The first batch of radishes are ready for harvest!

Behind the watering can you can see the bucket of horsetail tea I'm making for the garden.  (Horsetail, btw, is my second least favorite 'weed' behind buttercups right now.)  Apparently if you soak them in water and then use the water (in a 1:10 ratio with non-horsetail water), it's good for your plants.  One of the garden coordinators told me this and I did some research online and decided it wouldn't hurt to try.  Of course, I will not be able to provide any definitive results as this is not a controlled study - I don't even have a control group!  Maybe next year.

Things in the first box I planted are growing well: two types of spinach, two types of lettuce, two types of kale, nasturtiums, and radishes.  Sweet 'Elenor' peas are coming up behind the box, along the fence.

Unfortunately, something is eating the new leaves in the second box.  I didn't see any slug trails or anything (neighbours in the garden have said that there is a slug problem out there) but it did rain since the last time I was at the garden so it's hard to say if it was slugs or not.

I'll keep an eye on things and enjoy my radishes, for now :) (Btw, not my lettuce in the background, but I wish it was!  Someone else's greenhouse project.)